Please join us on Thursday 8th December 4:30 – 6:30pm (GMT) for this exciting and timely discussion on the politics of global climate change from a Global South perspective. This event will be held online via Zoom. This event will host a panel of speakers who will reflect on the recent United Nations Framework Convention...
Please join us on Wednesday 16th November 15:30 - 17:15 for a research seminar on 'Protecting the Amazon Rainforest: A Regional Governance Challenge with Global Implications'. The event will take place in hybrid form, meaning that you can attend in person (Clothworkers South Building Lt 2 (3.04)) or online via Zoom. Background The Amazon is...
The global development industry now has a mainstream focus on gender, at least rhetorically. Gender equality is goal 5 of the SDGs. Yet how are such commitments operationalised in practice? For example, how is ‘empowerment’ defined and measured in development projects? A growing decolonial feminist critique demands attention be paid to the cultural and complex...
This webinar builds on the recent LUCAS Sadler Series on ‘African Knowledges’. This series of events sought to place African scholars and knowledges are the forefronts of articulating and responding to global challenges. On the eve of COP26, we turn our attention to African perspectives on climate change, and how global responses to climate change...
As part of ongoing webinars on global water governance, the water governance group at the Centre of Global Development hosted Leonie Hyde Smith, PhD Researcher at the School of Civil Engineering and Water-WISER CDT. Leonie's presentation details how water and sanitation services can be improved for the urban poor and how these services can be...
Please mark your calendars for the Researchers in Development Network (RiDNet) and the Centre for Global Development Brown Bag event of the month. This month we are hosting, Prof Anna Mdee, Professor of the Politics of Global Development to discuss "Conducting Online and Face to Face Key Informant Interviews". The event is slated for the 25th of March...
Are you a post-graduate or early-career researcher seeking to find means of engaging in participatory data collection with your field participants? In this webinar hosted by the Water Governance Group at the Centre for Global Development, Dr Uttaran Dutta of Arizona State University shares in-depth insights into how he relies on active and eclectic participatory...
Researchers in Development Network (RiDNet) Leeds invite you to a lunch seminar on Wednesday 19th October: ‘Youth, police and violence in Rio de Janeiro's favelas’ - Juliana Correa, guest PhD researcher from Fiocruz Brazil ‘Methodological and ethical challenges of doing longitudinal research with young people’ - Dr Kim Allen, University of Leeds Venue: Social Sciences...
RiDNet (Researchers in Development Network) invite you to a Social Research Methods training event on May 24th at University of Leeds. Come along to learn all about data collection methods ready for your fieldwork, wherever that be in the world. The workshop, led by Dr Jen Dyer (SRI), and Dr Ellie Jew (SRI), will explore...
Planning to work with research assistants? RiDNet Brown Bag Lunch series brings you Working with Research Assistants in the Field. Monday 14th March at 12.30pm Geography East SR (B.01) Hear first-hand experiences from the field.. including from Madagascar, Malawi, Cameroon, and Kenya Don’t forget to bring your lunch! Aimed at PhD students, but all welcome