'Writing and Researching the Political Economy of Inequality in Africa' capacity-building initiative
CGD member Dr Jörg Wiegratz, will mentor doctoral students as part of a new British Academy-funded initiative, 'Writing and Researching the Political Economy of Inequality in Africa', led by Dr Sophia Price (Leeds Beckett University) and Professor Alexander Nunn (University of Derby).
The programme is designed to increase research capacity in political economy research in Africa and specifically around the topic of inequality. The initiative offers a series of workshops and mentoring for researchers interested in any area of inequality related to Africa. Participants will be able to take part in the workshops and have a 1-2-1 mentoring programme to support them to develop and publish their research.
Dr Wiegratz, CGD member and Lecturer in Political Economy of Global Development, and Dr Charlie Dannreuther, Lecturer in European Political Economy, will mentor doctoral researchers studying in countries across Africa and will give online talks as part of the programme.