CGD Working Paper: Socionature Hybrids: Power and Inequity in Environmental Solutions
The Centre for Global Development is pleased to publish the latest paper in our working paper series: Socionature Hybrids: Power and Inequity in Environmental Solutions, by Dr Shivani Singhal.
Read the paper online or download it here.
The working paper series provides a space for CGD members and affiliates to publish and showcase initial findings from their research and/or develop concepts and theories related to the CGD core research themes (education, water, health, agriculture, climate change, political economy). The series also welcomes critical reflections on development practice and the field of development studies/global development. We invite submissions from MA students, PhD researchers, and academics at the University of Leeds, including visiting staff, as well as external CGD affiliates. We hope that it will create opportunities for research and writing collaboration and strengthen the CGD community.
We encourage you to submit your work to the series and help promote it. For more information, see our CGD Working Paper Series Guidelines.