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Getting Published: How should I approach writing a journal article or working paper?

RiDNet Workshop
Thursday 14 November 2024, 10:00-11:30
Newlyn SR (LG.01) & online
RiDNet workshop: Getting Published: How should I approach writing a journal article or working paper?

This writing workshop will be facilitated by Dr Geoff Goodwin, Co-Director of the CGD. The aim of the RiDNet workshops is to shed light on how to navigate the writing up of a research thesis and journal article.

This will be a hybrid event. Refreshments will be provided for those who can join in person. Please register for the event by completing this form. We will then send a calendar invitation with a link for those joining online.
RiDNet (Researchers in Development Network) is part of the Centre for Global Development and seeks to equip and connect research students and early career researchers.
We look forward to seeing you there!