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Valuing Water: beyond technocratic, economic and bureaucratic agendas

Monday 19 October 2020, 13.00-15.00


Valuing Water: beyond technocratic, economic and bureaucratic agendas

When: Monday 19th of October, 2020 13:00 - 15:00

Where: Zoom.   Email: for the zoom link

Webinar on water value 

Organised by Professor Anna Mdee (School of Politics and International Studies) and Dr Nicolas Salazar Sutil (School of Performance and Cultural Industries)

The recent water@leeds confluence showed that interest in social sciences, arts and humanities approaches to water is growing.  This seminar is aimed at bringing colleagues working at the University of Leeds, or research collaborators, to share work, stimulate discussion and open up research connections. The event will feature the following short presentations:

Nicolas Salazar Sutil (School of Performance and Cultural Industries)- Imbibing, or how to drink water

Anna Mdee (School of Politics and International Studies)- Power in the waterscape and the failure of SDG6

Pedi Obani (School of Politics and International Studies) - Human rights to water and sanitation- what are the possibilities for action?

Sarah Cooper (School of Politics and International Studies)- The emotions of water security

Charlie Dannreuther (School of Politics and International Studies) Valuing open water swimming

Colin Mackie (School of Law) and Markus Fraundorfer (School of Politics and International Studies)- Reflections on legal personhood for rivers

Julia Martin-Ortega (School of Earth and Environment) -The values landscape in water governance